We Miss the Bump
(Newer Post Below)Transitioning back and forth between all kinds of indie rock and hip hop can be tough, but owe so rewarding. I just wanted to throw out some links to some bmore, mash, hip hop, rap, type things I've downloaded lately and certainly enjoyed.
First I just want to make sure everyone has subscribed to the Mad Decent Podcast, you can do so by clicking on that link. If you dont know about podcasting yet, i'm sorry, but it did come on pretty fast and if you want to learn more, just head here. Social networking is taking the world by storm and you either jump on and ride it to shore, or sit in the sand and watch it happen. Diplo recently brought us the Mad Decent label and these podcasts certainly seem to be the best indication of of what we can expect from the label. There are currently 2 available downloads, get them both. The first focuses on Baltimore club style music and here is the track list...
MAD DECENT WORLDWIDE RADIO #1__________ debonir samir - stick em, Technics - postman (marvalettes), Jonny Blaze - muppets, Scotty B - shake it up (beatles), Say Wut - Let's go (unruly records), Breakbeat, R&B loop, KW GRIFF - my luhuhs (B.E.P.), Maceo - Hoe sit down, Technics - Kryptonite (purple ribbon), Hustlin - Rick Ross, diplo - buy it use it (busta rhymes), diplo - Gold digger (kanye), Super Mario ?, Technics - Without (I want to thank you)
And for the second we find more mash/reggaeton/hip hop/Baile Funk. enjoy, straight from Rio
demon - i need a gun (day room philly), yyy gold lion (mad decent remix), leftside and esco - tuck in ya belly, young jeezy trap star, calle 13 - japon, plan b - freakitona, ojalai - calle 13 and some other important dude, dj nkufa - brinca dera, lovefoxxx break 1, dj? - garina tarracha, luanda blast - o puro kudru de, dj znobia - wakimono, soca24 - thelma, eduk - funkeiroblu, dj sandrino - melo do nirvana, edgar - melo do dlite, bonde do role - role theme....live from Petropolis via Puerto Rico, Luanda and Curitiba
So, get iTunes, click here for podcast to download, that easy. If you have any questions, let me know.
Next, some respect for the Lemon-Red who has been on fire with mp3s lately for some great hip hop. Here are a few.
Sizzla - “Give Me A Try” (mp3)
Young Dru - “Yadida Whaa Whaa (feat. Keak da Sneak & Messy Marv)” (mp3)
Diplo - “Jungle Fever Riddim” (mp3)
WOW!!!, NEW...
T-Pain - “I’m Sprung Remix (feat. Dizzee Rascal) (mp3)
Also, check out the Gnarls Barkley website for some sounds and other info, I'm certainly ready for the new album to hit stores in the US. Danger Mouse and Cee-Lo = amazing. like the song,
Gnarls Barkley - Crazy (mp3)
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